The ADP team commenced a research project, to review the ADP, to identify its successes, areas for improvement and ultimately culminate in recommendations to improve the ADP. As part of the initial self-assessment, the ADP team noted that it was important to obtain feedback from the ADP stakeholders and conduct research on the continued viability of the ADP in its current form. A task force was formed to review the outcome from the research and propose solutions for the challenges identified and hence the evolution of ADP Reloaded. The objective of the ADP Reloaded project is to holistically explore and implement solutions to improve the ADP processes and experience and to ensure that the assessment processes are efficient and effective to produce suitably qualified and competent Registered Auditors (RAs).
The Registered Candidate Auditors (RCAs) enrolled on the ADP prior to the launch of the ADP Reloaded will be impacted by the changes introduced. Due to the changes culminating from ADP Reloaded having an impact on how ADP programme is facilitated going forward, it is important to set out key principles which will facilitate a seamless transition from the current ADP to ADP Reloaded. A phased in approach is being taken to implement key changes which form part of the ADP Reloaded. The key changes which form part of phase one (1) are as follows:
Registered Candidate Auditors (RCAs) are required to report to the IRBA on a six-monthly basis on their progress throughout the ADP. Final assessment is through the submission of a Portfolio of Evidence (PoE). There is no written assessment. The PoE must be submitted to the IRBA when the Oversight Registered Auditor (ORA) is satisfied that the RCA has completed the minimum period of 18 months, 1 500 productive hours in audit and assurance and has achieved the required competencies.
The quality of the submitted PoE will determine the length of time it takes for the IRBA to assess and conclude on whether the RCA is signed-off, it is therefore important to ensure that documents submitted reflect the required depth and breadth of competence and this has been appropriately and sufficiently documented.
The PoE is made up of the following:
Each of the elements of the PoE will now be discussed in detail:
Element of the PoE | Template | Overview |
Progress Report 1 | RCAs are required to submit the Progress Report 1 immediately after completing six months on the ADP. This is a work in progress document and may be updated throughout the ADP period as the RCA advances on the programme.
On completion of the ADP, the RCA is required to submit all the progress reports, as part of the PoE. The Progress Report 1 report comprises of category 1 competencies which must be achieved on the job. The RCA must EXPLAIN in detail HOW they have achieved each competency and provide examples or scenarios from clients where the competencies were achieved. There are two levels of complexity, intermediate and advanced. Intermediate - The competencies were achieved on engagements where the RCA was not independent because there was partner/senior manager intervention to provide guidance and develop the RCA. Advanced - The competencies were achieved on engagements where the RCA was independent because there was none or minimal partner/senior manager intervention to provide guidance to the RCA.
RCAs will be identified using the RCA number. ORAs will be identified using the ORA’s RA number. The POE must be submitted WITHOUT delay upon completion of the 18 months. |
Progress Report 2 |
The Progress Report 2 is submitted after 12 months on the ADP. This is also a work in progress document and must be updated at the end of the 18 months focusing on how the developmental areas noted through the programme were resolved and the actions taken thereof. The updated progress report focuses on category two competencies which are competencies which can be achieved on the job or through other intervention. Other intervention can be through webinars, seminars, workshops, e-learning etc. The RCA is then required to reflect on their learning and demonstrate how the competency could be achieved on an audit engagement based on their understanding. The Progress Report 2 must be accompanied by Progress Report 1 if there were any changes made. At the end of the 18 months, the updated progress reports, with all the competencies achieved at advanced level must be submitted as part of the POE. RCAs are required to evaluate themselves on the competencies and then complete the last two columns of the self-assessment. The columns must be completed as follows:
RCA’s latest performance appraisal from the firm | No template - Refer to overview column. | The RCA is required to provide the latest performance appraisal from the firm which have been signed off by the partner responsible for the RCAs development. |
Professional curriculum vitae of the RCA | No template - Refer to overview column. | Candidates’ must ensure that they respect the confidentiality of firm and client details when drafting their CVs.
When drafting their CVs, RCAs must consider the following: Personal details section:
- RCAs must identify themselves using their RCA number. There must be no mention of names, surname and ID number. Educational History: Work Experience:
- Previous Employment: The section dealing with previous employment may be dealt with as normal, provided the current firm name is not mentioned anywhere. References Section: General: |
Copy of the CPD hours undertaken during the ADP |
RCAs must report on CPD activities undertaken during the ADP period. Where RCAs are registered with SAICA, CPD reports from SAICA will suffice. The template provided must be completed by RCAs who are not registered with SAICA. It is important to note the CPD activity report’s link to Category 2 competencies. Where Category 2 competencies have been achieved through other interventions, the CPD Activity report or SAICA CPD Report must clearly indicate the training covering these competencies. The CPD activity report must, therefore, tie back to the RCAs progress reports. |
POE declaration form | WORD | The ORA and RCA must sign the POE declaration form and attach a firm letterhead on the declaration. The RCA must also ensure that the firm’s latest monitoring intensity level from the ADP monitoring visit is included in the signed POE declaration form. This declaration is for internal use only and will not be submitted to the external reviewers for final assessment of the POE. |
For more details, refer to ADP Reloaded – POE guidance
RCAs who are on international secondment in their capacity as audit managers, may have the international experience recognised as part of the POE provided:
For more queries, please enquire from the ADP Team on
A career as a Registered Auditor (RA) will grant you many opportunities to serve the economic interest of the people of South Africa and that of international investors.
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